5 Ways CBD Can Help You With Depression

5 Ways CBD Can Help You With Depression

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. These cannabis plants are often referred to as marijuana or hemp, depending on their tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels.

Both CBD and THC have proven effective in alleviating depression. They are also beneficial for conditions potentially related to it, such as chronic pain. CBD can help with depression, anxiety, mood disorders, public speaking discomfort, and cognitive impairment.

According to a 2014 study conducted on animals, CBD positively affects the brain’s chemical receptors, producing anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects. More recent research from 2018 found that CBD has anti-stress effects that help reduce stress caused by depression.

Each year, more studies are conducted due to the increasing trend of CBD products. In fact, CBD has made significant strides in healthcare recently. Medical professionals and experts are exploring the true potential of this plant.

CBD for Depression

Depression is a serious medical condition affecting many people today. Our modern lifestyle is a major factor contributing to the high prevalence of depression. According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the leading causes of disability and a significant contributor to the global disease burden. It affects people of all ages, economic backgrounds, and genders. Symptoms of depression include unstable mood, insomnia, disturbed appetite, and a general lack of interest and energy. Some people also experience manic episodes or bipolar disorders.

Research has found that CBD’s effectiveness in treating depression is due to its positive effect on the brain’s serotonin receptors. Low serotonin levels are generally associated with depression. While CBD does not directly increase serotonin levels, it improves the brain’s response to the serotonin already present in the system, enhancing the response of the brain’s chemical receptors.

Here are five ways in which CBD can help treat depression:

CBD Supports Neurogenesis

The hippocampus region of the brain is responsible for learning, memory, and emotion. People with depression often have a shrunken and atrophic hippocampus. The brain can heal or recover from damage by regenerating neurons through neurogenesis. CBD is effective in protecting neurons in the hippocampus region, and consuming CBD in moderate doses can help cure depression.

Regulates the Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of the most complex systems in the body, responsible for cell-signaling. It helps regulate mood, stress, sleep, memory, appetite, and more. Scientists have found that CBD can effectively regulate the ECS, helping to fight depression. This activity promotes a feeling of happiness, bliss, and heightened motivation, potentially lowering or curing depression symptoms.

Regulating Serotonin Receptors in the Body

CBD activates existing serotonin receptors in the body, which plays an important role in alleviating pain, depression, and anxiety. Studies show that CBD has a direct positive effect on serotonin, making it a potent treatment for depression.

Helps in Lowering Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety is a significant cause of depression. Emotional highs and lows can leave a person feeling physically and emotionally drained. Untreated anxiety is detrimental to mental health, and many people suffer from both anxiety and depression simultaneously. While stress can act as a motivator, excessive stress is dangerous and can lead to depression. Scientific studies have found that CBD acts as a stress reliever, with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects. It also helps with clinical disorders like OCD and PTSD.

Improves Sleep and Stabilises the Mood

An irregular sleep pattern significantly impacts mental health and mood. There is a proportional relationship between sleep and depression: irregular sleep can cause depression, and depression can lead to insomnia or irregular sleep patterns. The best CBD products help relieve restlessness, improving sleep patterns. Consequently, this can stabilise mood by promoting calmness and relaxation.

Therefore, if CBD is administered in measured doses over time, it can help treat, cure, and prevent depression. However, it is essential to combine CBD use with physical exercise and a healthy, balanced diet.

For more information on CBD products, check out our detailed guides on CBD oil, CBD brands, and our extensive range of CBD products.