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Start Your Day Right with Cannacoffee CBD

Cannacoffee is a new type of coffee that is rich in health-benefiting compounds from the cannabis plant. It is similar to the popular beverage, cannabis coffee but has no marijuana or molecules in it. This means that you can enjoy all the benefits of caffeine and cbd without needing to worry about a psychoactive effect. Cannacoffee is a coffee that helps you perk up and relax. Whether you are looking to end your long day or simply want to enjoy an evening with your friends, this coffee brews the perfect cup for every occasion.

Cannacoffee is a new and popular coffee, and making rounds everywhere. Cannacoffee, as obvious from the name, is a perfect blend of CBD (Cannabidiol) and Coffee.  Roasted coffee beans of single origin, Arabica from Santos, Brazil, 100% organic are perfect for a kick-start morning, but with an infusion of CBD for a calming effect. Cannabidiol is one of the 104 compounds found in the Sativa or Cannabis plant, and it is known worldwide for its positive effects and infused in multiple products to manufacture wellness products such as supplements, oils, and skincare products.

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CBD has been lab tested and it has no psychoactive effects. Cannacoffee is a product of The Hashtag Company, they produce Original CBD Coffee and Original Hemp Coffee, in various flavours. Canna coffee is available in three forms, compatible capsules or pods, grounded, and whole beans.  Their packaging and products are sustainable. They grow their CBD in the UK and make sure all products are vegan, THC-free, and Non-GMO.

Cannacoffee CBD & Hemp Pods

Original CBD Coffee has 10 Compatible Capsules per box. Each capsule offers 4 mg CBD. Rebalance & Refocus are their motives, that’s why while caffeine gives a kick to your day, the added dose of original and organic CBD provides a calming effect. Original CBD coffee has an excellent sweet and nutty taste with hints of chocolates. THC-free and manufactured by single-origin coffee beans, infused with CBD gives perfect taste and balance.

Original hemp coffee is award-winning and certified organic coffee, an infusion of hemp seeds oil, Omega 3 sources, and 100% single-origin coffee from Arabica, Brazil. Hemp coffee is enriched with Omega 3, which is also used in wellness supplements. Original Hemp Coffee is available in three flavours, natural flavour with notes of chocolate, Vanilla hemp Coffee tastes sweet, smooth & nutty with notes of Vanilla. And Third flavour is, Caramel hemp Coffee, crafted with natural flavours, using Omega 3, hemp seeds oil, and coffee beans. Caramel hemp coffee is rich in taste and hemp also. Cannacoffee pods are also available in multipacks.

Grounded & Wholebean cannacoffee

Cannacoffee is available in both forms, grounded or whole beans. CBD Original Coffee is THC-free, CBD infused, and specially produced by single-origin coffee beans. Each bag weighs 200g and contains 200mg CBD. It tastes just like Cannacoffee pods, natural, sweet, smooth, and hints of chocolate. Original hemp coffee comes in three different flavours, natural, vanilla, and Caramel. Original hemp coffee is Organic Certified, Award-winning, THC-free, and enriched with Omega 3. Comes in 227 g bags and all products are lab tested.

You can order canacoffee from us without being worried about any psychoactive effects, as all products are THC-free and CBD infused. CBD has no psychoactive effect but it has a soothing effect.


What is hemp?

Hemp also known as Cannabis Sativa plant is one of the most sustainable plants and it has been tested and approved for usage in wellness products. Every part of the plant from seeds to leaves is used in manufacturing different kinds of products including oils, supplements, clothing, and building products.

Q. Where can we order CANNACOFFEE products?

A.  You can offer Canna coffee from us. CBD World online has a wide range of original CBD products produced by multi-award winning brands.

Q. Does CBD affect the taste of coffee?

A. Yes, but only in a better way. It brings out the best flavour of the coffee. Also, can a coffee uses the best quality single-origin roasted coffee beans, which gives the oomph effect to your daily dose of caffeine?