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CBD patches – how do they work and what benefits do they bring

Given the global events that have taken place this year, most businesses across the majority of sectors are quietly licking their wounds and have adopted a survival mindset for their short to medium term strategies.

There are, however, a handful of exceptions. One is anything connected with the virtual world and tech, while another is the range of products centered around the cannabis industry which is, to coin a phrase, blossoming like never before.

In part, of course, that’s down to legalisation of recreational marijuana in a number of US states. Here, businesses are doing a great trade in smokables as well as cannabis seeds for home cultivation with exotic names like white widow and amnesia haze, not to mention peripherals like pipes, papers and filters. Even more significant, however, is the CBD sector, which is open to wider markets due to it being non-psychoactive.

Science to support the hype

CBD has become the latest craze in alternative remedies and healthcare. Its wide range of applications and the edginess of deriving from the cannabis plant have proved an irresistible combination. What’s more, there is scientific backing behind the hype, so although some of the purported benefits might be on the fanciful side, the vast majority are backed up by solid research data.

Plenty of businesses have jumped on the CBD bandwagon, and there are numerous ways to get your fix. CBD oil is the most common, but there are also edibles like gummies as well as topical creams and lotions. But a crowded and competitive marketplace is always a perfect breeding ground for innovation, and it could be that CBD patches will be the next big thing.

CBD Patches entering the fray

The application might be new but the basic technology behind CBD patches has been around for years. They work in exactly the same way as nicotine patches in that they provide a controlled release into the bloodstream through the skin. Also like nicotine patches, they look very much like band-aids. They can be applied anywhere on the skin, so you can still keep them out of sight even if you are dressed for the beach. Having said that, most users opt for the arms or ankles as these areas tend to facilitate a higher rate of absorption.

What are the benefits of  CBD Patches?

The efficacy of patches combined with the fact that they are more discreet than edibles is making them a compelling choice. This is particularly the case for those who are using CBD to manage a specific medical condition as opposed to those who simply enjoy its relaxing properties and might prefer to take it as a coffee supplement or topically in a face mask.

For example, anyone who uses CBD as an anti-inflammatory or to help manage epilepsy needs to take specific doses at regular intervals. Here, a patch provides efficiency and convenience over oral or topical dosing. As the applications for CBD become better understood, the popularity of and demand for patches is certain to increase.

Buy CBD Patches Here