New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake

The Revolution of AI and Machine Learning in CBD Production: A New Era of Quality and Efficiency

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) of the UK has recently updated its guidelines regarding the daily intake of cannabidiol (CBD). This article delves deep into the implications of these new guidelines, the historical context, comparisons with other countries’ regulations, and the science behind CBD dosage recommendations.

New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake

1. What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of many chemicals known as cannabinoids found within hemp and cannabis plants. It can also be produced synthetically. CBD extracts can be derived from most parts of these plants and can be selectively extracted to concentrate CBD. However, some processes can alter other chemical components. In the UK, 

CBD products are sold as foods, often as food supplements. These include oils, drops, tinctures, sprays, gel capsules, sweets, confectionery, bread, bakery products, and drinks. Learn more.

New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake

2. The New Guidelines

In October 2023, the FSA issued updated precautionary advice on CBD. The new guidelines recommend that healthy adults should limit their consumption of CBD from food to 10mg per day. To put this into perspective, this is approximately 4-5 drops of 5% CBD oil. This change in advice is based on new evidence from the industry and updated advice from the FSA’s independent scientific committee. 

The more CBD you consume over your lifetime, the more likely you are to develop long-term adverse effects, such as liver damage or thyroid issues.

New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake

3. Implications for Different Stakeholders

The new guidelines have significant implications for various stakeholders:

  • Consumers: The FSA has published a list of CBD food products to help consumers make informed choices. However, products on this list are not formally authorised for sale.
  • They are linked to applications moving through the novel foods process. The FSA does not endorse these products, and inclusion on the list is no guarantee of authorisation.
  • Vulnerable Groups: The FSA advises consumers to think carefully before taking any CBD products. As a precaution, CBD is not recommended for people in vulnerable groups, such as children under 18, people on medication, those trying to conceive, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake

4. Historical Context

CBD has gained immense popularity over the past few years. However, its safety and efficacy are still under research. The FSA’s guidelines have evolved based on the available evidence. The current guidelines are a result of continuous monitoring and assessment of CBD’s impact on health.

New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake

5. Comparison with Other Countries

While the UK’s FSA has set its guidelines, other countries may have different regulations. It’s essential to understand and respect the local guidelines when purchasing or consuming CBD products abroad.

New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake

6. The Science Behind CBD Dosage Recommendations

The Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) and the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) have published advice on CBD. The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) continues to monitor new data. If new data changes the SAC’s view, the FSA will consider impacts on consumer advice.

New FSA Guidelines on Daily CBD Intake


The FSA’s new guidelines on daily CBD intake aim to ensure the safety of consumers. As research on CBD continues, it’s crucial for consumers to stay informed and make choices that prioritize their health and well-being.

Note: Always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD products.
