The Relationship Between CBD and Glaucoma

The Relationship Between CBD and Glaucoma

CBD aka Cannabidiol has been praised for its potential benefits in treating various conditions. However, the relationship between Cannabidiol (CBD) and glaucoma in particular, has become a hot topic of discussion, especially in the UK.

Understanding Glaucoma

Firstly, let’s dive into the understanding of what Glaucoma is. It is a condition that damages your eye’s optic nerve, usually resulting from abnormally high pressure in your eye. Over time, the increased pressure can cause irreversible blindness. Evidently, this makes Glaucoma the leading cause of blindness for people over the age of 60.

Untreated Glaucoma: A Silent Threat to Vision

Often, glaucoma isn’t just a health hazard but a silent one. This is because there are no alarming symptoms initially. Unfortunately, once the vision is lost, it can’t be recovered. Hence, NHS strongly recommends regular eye exams, especially for those with a higher risk factor.

The Emergence of CBD as a Potential Treatment

Traditional treatments for Glaucoma involve eye drops, medication, or surgery. However, recently the therapeutic potentials of CBD have been explored more extensively. CBD is a non-psychoactive derivative of the Cannabis plant with numerous alleged healthcare benefits.

The Science Behind CBD

Research has shown that CBD may help reduce the pressure inside the eye. The human body has endocannabinoid system (ECS) that helps regulate functions such as sleep, immune-system responses and pain. Endocannabinoid and their receptors are found throughout the body. One such cannabinoid through various researches has been shown to produce health effects is CBD. It exerts its effects through these cannabinoid receptors, one of which, the CB1 receptor, is concentrated in the eye and maybe contributing to the pressure reduction.

Exploring the Evidence: CBD and Glaucoma

Though research on CBD for glaucoma is still in its early stages, several studies have found promising results. A landmark study conducted by the University of Manitoba concluded that cannabinoids like CBD may be effective in treating glaucoma symptoms due to their neuroprotective and antioxidant properties.(Alpha-tocopherol, a component of vitamin E: its role in antioxidant neuroprotection in glaucoma).

In another study published in the Journal of Glaucoma, participants reported a significant reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP), one of the main symptoms of glaucoma, after taking CBD.(Effects of Sublingual Application of Cannabinoids on Intraocular Pressure: A Pilot Study)

CBD Consumption: Safety and Modes

While its potential therapeutic benefits are exciting, it’s crucial to weigh them against possible side effects. The common side effects of CBD may include fatigue, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and weight. However, CBD is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people.

Several methods of consumption are available for CBD, these include inhalation, oral consumption and topical application. In the case of glaucoma, it is suggested that inhaled or sublingual (under the tongue) application may be more beneficial.(Alert! Are You Making These 5 Delta 10 Vaping Mistakes?)

The Final Verdict on CBD for Glaucoma

Despite the jumps in progress in terms of research, it must be emphasised that the current state of research is insufficient to make a definitive statement about the efficacy of CBD in treating glaucoma. Therefore, patients should consult their healthcare provider to discuss the benefits and risks of CBD before initiating any new treatment options.

Nonetheless, the future of CBD in managing glaucoma and other illnesses indeed looks promising, and further research will undoubtedly reveal more about this complex relationship. So here’s to the future of medicine, may it be brighter and healthier for all those in need.

Wrapping Up

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of CBD and Glaucoma, the results point to a promising future. We are yet to fully uncover the benefits that medicinal marijuana brings to bear.